Thursday, June 14, 2012


Play (veleyaddu) is the #1 favorite activity here at Rising Star.  They get breaks two times a day during the school day to run off some energy and then after school we get to play with them from about 4:30 or 5 until about 6 PM.  This time is spent on the playground, playing soccer, cricket or sitting and talking.  It really depends on what you want to do that day. 

One volunteer brought these cups that you stack into a pyramid (the kids say piramar- pronounced like you have marbles in your mouth. Took Berlyn 10 min to find out they really said pyramid) and first one to build it WINS!

Here they go!

Almost there... 

Gopi wins!!!

Celebration is a big part of winning...

It keeps going!

And going....

This is Miranda of Meeanda as the kids call her.  She is with Karthik

Here he is up close.

This is Manimaran- this kid is amazing!

My little Sathish on a ladder.  He got mad at the kid who climbed up there too to be in the picture.  It was so funny.

This is P. Vijay.  He is Karthik's older brother.

This is Shalini, she is a new student here at Rising Star and is in UKG.

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