Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Thee is the word for fire in tamil.  It is said that the Tamil word "thaei" (meaning "rub") came from ancient time s when fire was made by rubbing two dry sticks together.  It is also said that brush fires in old Tamil Nadu were caused by the  accidental rubbing of dry bamboo stems as they moved in the wind.  On Sunday I got to see one of these brush fires as it made its way to campus.  There were a few of us that stayed back at home so we could get everyone else in the vans for church.  We noticed there was a fire in the area but I just thought they were burning garbage.  I wasn't even fased by the ash that was coming down, again nothing out of the ordinary.  So when Dr. Susan came to tell us that there was a fire outside the wall we ran out to the roof to see it.  The boys at home already started to throw buckets of water on the brush and grass near the wall.  We went to join them.  The fire was stopped before damage was done to the school. 

India is always exciting!

Above the wall you can see the orange flames and smoke.

Shankar was out with the hose helping the Fire Department.

The fire jumped the street and was finally totally extinguished by the Fire Department and other men driving by.

And for the girls wondering if the Firemen are like the ones in the US.... sadly not these ones.

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