Monday, June 4, 2012


I loved the first day of school when I was a kid.  You got new school supplies and got to see all your friends again... the only thing was you were going back to school and had to work.  Today was the best first day of school because for me I get to go, just not have to be in class!  I got to document the first day and here are some of the shots I got.  I also am taking all the kids school pictures.  I am about 1/3 of the way done (because of Julie's help) so I have the rest of the week to finish. I seriously have the best job ever!  

This first picture was my favorite of the day.  I love their smiles and when they happen to be because of me it just gets sweeter. 

They love to salute and they love it even more when Rudy does it back.

Some of the kids had some shots today and got their fingers pricked for tests.  Gokey was a champ and didn't cry.

Vignesh was one of my first kids to photograph for school pictures.  This was his self portrait when he got a hold of the camera on the tripod. These children are so beautiful.

This is Vinnarasan in class.  He's my little buddy. We read Green Eggs and Ham 3 times last night.  In total last night i read that book 6 times.  When you don't really have a voice that's a lot!

The word today is aasiriyar or teacher.  Good job today Berlyn on being an roomba super aasiriyar!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love all the photos

    Benson Massey

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