Saturday, May 19, 2012


Today was a kind of preparation day where we were getting ready for the group coming in on Monday. Today was filled with making beds, organizing the churidar closet and checking off lists.  So here is a little tour of the Elephant House.  


Walk of Hope

We were thinking of something fun to put on the doors for the volunteers to know what rooms they are going to be in.  So we had one plan but that got scrapped so we thought it would be nice to use the Tamil greeting on the door (Vanakkam).  So I looked up how to write it and then started putting them all up, then I thought I should double check it with one of the locals and she wrote it nice for me so I could copy and she told me I needed to have an additional letter in there so I added it.  Next thing I know that extra symbol was scratched out on my door.  So now I have NO idea what is right and who knows what I have written on my door.

And the reason that Julie and I have a dino on the door is because we are the oldest volunteers here... for the moment.  We will have to adjust as the time goes on :o)  We are silly girls

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