Monday, May 21, 2012


I was asked by a friend what India was like and if it was beautiful.  My answer is - India sneaks up on you and is so very beautiful.  I think whenyou land and see it for the first time you are overwhelmed with all that's on the surface.  You see thousands of people, motorcycles, buses, traffic, garbage and garbage burning.  It's hot and you are immediately uncomfortable and have a layer of sweat constantly.  But then slowly the layers peel off and you meet the people and have experiences that make it so those things fade and you are left with beauty.  You are still covered in sweat but you see beauty.

The people here are amazing.  They are quick to smile and wave to perfect strangers.  Their face lights up when you use there language and want to learn about their culture. Niyeem came to hook up our printer for us and when I said thank you in Tamil he almost fell over with pride that we would take the time to learn some of his language.
The people of India are beautiful, every shape and size. The colors of the saris are bold and their smiles so bright and they are so quick to help.  I was able to meet Vanilla Mary this past Sunday on our way to church.  Its a 2 hour van ride to and from Chennai so we were all able to spend some quality time together.  Vanilla Mary has two energetic and intelligent boys, Stephenraj and Michaelraj.  Their English is so good and they love to watch WWE, movies and take pictures with their cell phones. Michaelraj was often caught making faces at the people passing by. They have such a quick wit and are so funny.  When I was taking out the rubbish, Stephenraj tried to lift Dane into the bag, as he was clearly rubbish too. They just make you smile.  Vanilla and her boys will be coming back to Rising Start Outreach this weekend for the start of school.  I have a feeling this place isn't the same without them and I am so excited to have them here.

In total on Sunday I think we took about a 5 hour car ride and you might think that was a long time but with this group of people- it was a really good day.

Vanilla Mary, Carl, Julie and Stephenraj

Berlyn and Danielle

When we finally made it home- stuffed from 3 large pizzas and 3 orders of the best garlic bread sticks I have ever eaten (brought to you by Domino's) we went back to work.  We had to stop and get some jasmine for the volunteers to wear in their hair for the next morning.  The jasmine is individually wrapped with string and is cut into strips and pinned into your hair.  I got to wear one today.  I loved the smell but I kept forgetting it was there and when it would move on my head I kept thinking it was an insect landing/attacking me. I kept ducking to get it off only to realize that yet again I had made a fool of myself...  Happens frequently here/anywhere.

Nandri means "thank you".  I want to say thank you for an amazing day.  There are no words to fully express this place, its one of those things you must experience.  At church one of the speakers was talking about one day he had to go into this air conditioned office to make a delivery.  It was such a hot that day and he was so tempted to sit there and be comfortable in this office; but he realized that that would accomplish nothing just sitting there.  For him to move forward in his life he needed to acclimate to the heat.  Only by going out in the heat was he able to accomplish the work he needed to do.  So we like him need to step out into the heat of the day (no matter how appealing that A/C is) and do some work and with the refining heat become the people we were made to be.  That is my goal while I am here- step out in that heat and make a difference.  A difference in myself and hopefully for others.

Nandri to all of you who helped me get here, I hope to do you proud.

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