Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Tuesday is Star Store Day at Rising Star. I'm in charge of purchasing the items the kids buy each week. I'm understanding the more I'm here- what motivates these kids to be good and earn stars. Remote control cars, clothes, cricket shirts, bats, balls, hair stuff, and my favorite... WWE cards. I can't keep them in there long enough no matter how high the price is! It's crazy how they will save for things.

So Monday I needed to go get some smaller items for Tuesday so I went with the bus of teachers out to Chengleputt. After we dropped everyone off Miranda, Shankar and I went shopping.

On the way over to pick up Dane from the hospital we passes a funeral persession on the street where they were pulling the "float" along the street.

On the way we aso picked up some kids from the junction. Before they got to the car we saw this street of vendors and Miranda and I took our allotted 5 min and hopped out of the car and walked the daily farmers market.

We got some carrots and headed back. We found out on the ride home the vendor charged us 10 more rupees than he should. That's the price of being white and sticking out everywhere we go.

And just so you aren't worried- Star Store Day items were a hit!

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