Wednesday, April 18, 2012


To prepare for my adventure in India I have researched using blogs, videos, personal interviews and websites.  It seams that when people either are going to serve at Rising Star or when they get back from their experience they all recommend reading Moloka'i written by Alan Brennert.  A book written about a girl named Rachel Kalama who has big dreams.  Those dreams are challenged when she finds a mark upon her skin and is exiled to Kalaupapa, a quarantined leprosy colony on the Island of Moloka'i.  I have heard such great reviews about this book that I decided that in the 29 days before I land in India- I will read this book.  I would love to have others read with me!  If you would like to join me please write your name in the comments and we can set up a mini book club review before I go.

You can find this at your local book stores or here on Amazon.

If you have already read  Moloka'i and are looking for another book to read to inspire you to serve others check out The Sunflower by Richard Paul Evans.

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