Thursday, April 12, 2012


My new super power is.... Immunity to Typhoid!  Boom!  How many of you have that?   It came at a price too- don't think its easy to have this power.  It comes only after a fever, not being able to lift your arms... at all and 3 days of trying to stay awake while suffering through a massive headache.  But look at me now!  Totally fine and one step closer to India.  I find myself watching the count down clock on the side of this blog as I see the time slowly tic closer. My TO DO list is shrinking as my excitement grows. It doesn't help that my friend is posting her pictures and experiences on her blog making me jealous. This is totally a "watched pot never boils" situation.

Are you traveling somewhere soon?  Make sure you stay healthy and pack vitamins, probiotics, and medications.  Also check with the CDC (Center for Disease Control) when you travel abroad to make sure you have the right vaccinations.  For India they recommend: Typhoid, Polio, Hepatitis A and B, and Polio on top of your regular boosters and imunizations.  Also don't forget to get your Malaria pills.  They have a few different options, I'm planning on the once a week option to cut down on the volume of medication I have to travel with.

Come on clock! Move faster!

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