Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Going to India

I am going to India! And no I am not going on vacation...  I am going to volunteer with Rising Star Outreach where I will be working and teaching and playing for about 6 months.  Rising Star's mission is to help the Leprosy colonies become thriving, self-sufficient communities.  They are accomplishing their mission through four categories:
  • Economic rehabilitation through micro-lending.
  • Providing medical care through mobile medical clinics.
  • Educating children; providing opportunities to become productive citizens.
  • Creating life-long humanitarians by providing service opportunities for volunteers.
I am so excited for the work I will be doing and for all the great people I will meet along the way.  This will be an experience of a lifetime and I look forward to sharing it with you!

If you would like to be involved you can donate, volunteer your time or sponsor a child.

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