Friday, December 28, 2012


Here I sit at the airport waiting to get on the plane. I know 25 + hours of flying will be worth it in the end... but man does it look painful from here.

223 kids and 85 degrees does sound pretty nice. Check back in the next few days to see what's happening in India!

Sunday, September 16, 2012


This is part of my day... my favorite part!

I don't know what Sanjay is doing - but I blame Carl.

They think I'm amazing- really its just the gum.

Love- when someone picks out your lice.

Vignesh was not feeling well.

Taking time to visit with the little ones.

Bowl full of Chocolate

This is part II of Cooking with Birdie.  This was sweets day!
I think my favorite part of the day was when Bird brought out the chocolate for them to dip marshmallows in.  Their eyes were HUGE!  Not sure if they have ever seen that before.  when Nanda was leaving he had poured some of the leftover chocolate into a cup to take back with him.  He was drinking it... he said he was taking it to share...

So this class started much like the Pizza party but had more assembly and creations.

They had their safety information and directions to make their first item.

Then it was their turn.  The little umbrellas were a HIT!

First round was Pudding Cups with umbrellas and Peanut Butter Candy Faces

Julie creepin' on Nagaraj...

I love when they are proud of what they create!

Next items were chocolate brownies with frosting and sprinkles and biscuits with Nutella and sprinkles.

Next we have bananas dipped in honey and granola mix....


Here is Birdie showing off her class' creations!

Last were the no bake cookies that they are so good at rolling!

They signed the apron and then sat again for party instructions.  Birdie told them that when they have a party you always make a lot of food so each person can try.  So they were able to take a plate of one of everything!

But if you thought that was all you would be WRONG!  Party isn't complete without balloon animals and...


Birdie you are amazing.  You throw a great party!